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Round Dance Tips by Tim Eum—

Two Foxtrot Weaves

If we dance intermediate foxtrot, we are well familiar with the phase IV Promenade Weave. Here are two more weaves that may be less familiar.

Check and Weave (phase 5)

This figure follows the same timing pattern and has the same last four steps as other foxtrot weaves, such as the Promenade Weave and Natural Weave. Each of these figures begins with one slow step followed by six quick steps. The last four quick steps are the same for all three figures and can be referred to as Weave Ending. Weave Endings usually begin in BJO with man facing Diagonal Reverse and Wall (DRW). Start the Weave Ending with the man stepping back with lead foot (lady forward) and then do the next three steps as if they were a Feather Finish but with all quick steps -- i.e., back with trail foot begin turning left, side with lead foot to momentary closed position (CP), continue turning left as you take the final step by crossing (man in front/lady in back) to BJO. End with lead foot free. To do the Check and Weave you just have to know how to do the first three steps (SQQ) and then add the Weave Ending. Most of the time, the figure that occurs just before the Check and Weave is a Reverse Turn Half or Reverse Wave Half. Both of these will get the dancers to end with trail foot free with man moving backwards and in CP facing approximately toward RLOD (or DRC). Start a Check and Weave by simply dipping back on man's trail leg (it is an unusual feeling because it is more normal for men to dip back on the lead, i.e. left leg instead). After dipping back on the trail leg (lady dipping forward) with a slow step, recover quickly onto lead foot and turn slightly left face, then quickly step side to man's right ending in CP or BJO facing DRW. That's it -- the first SQQ of the Check and Weave. To finish the Check and Weave just add the four quick steps of the Weave Ending (described above), beginning with man stepping back with lead foot.

Natural Fallaway Weave (phase 5)

Almost all foxtrot weaves follow the timing SQQQQQQ (i.e. one slow followed by 6 quicks) and the last 4 steps of most all of them are the same and are called Weave Ending. The timing for the Natural Fallaway Weave is the same SQQQQQQ, and the last four quick steps are again the Weave Ending – for the man – but this time you start the Weave Ending in Semi Closed Position (SCP) instead of BJO and so the lady’s steps for the Weave Ending are modified. The lady can think of this modified Weave Ending as a “Slip Pivot in 3 quick and an extra step to BJO”. You start the modified weave ending in SCP with lead foot free and momentum going backwards and take the first quick step back staying in SCP. The man then takes his second step back turning slightly left face while the lady turns left face and “slips” into a loose CP by stepping side & forward. As in all slipping actions, the lady should follow the man’s body as he turns left and synchronize her left turn to match his. The last two steps of this modified weave ending are the same as the regular weave ending – step side commencing to turn to BJO and then on the fourth step man cross in front while lady crosses in back to end in BJO – usually to face the DLW. Now to do the Natural Fallaway Weave you simply have to do the first three SQQ steps and then do the modified Weave Ending. The first three steps of the Natural Fallaway Weave are simply the phase 4 figure Natural Hover Fallaway. Staying in SCP with trail foot free usually beginning DLW, step thru slow on trail foot and begin turning right face (toward wall) as you take the second step forward rising onto your lead foot toe. Still staying in SCP continue to hover on that second step and rotate on your toe until you face DRW (about a ¼ RF turn). Then simply take a quick step back with trail foot. That’s it – the first three steps of the Natural Fallaway Weave which is the same as the Natural Hover Fallaway. Finish the Natural Fallaway Weave by doing the 4 quick steps of the modified Weave Ending described above.

Tim Eum has prepared many Round Dance Tips for Calls 'n' Cues, WASCA, for his weekly Rocket Rounds email reports, and for other publications. DRDC is grateful for permission to collect and reprint. A Tim Eum archive.



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